With the ever-advancing treatment techniques in the dental and cosmetic field, there are a wide variety of options to enhance the natural beauty of a smile. Depending on the level of tooth discoloration, whitening your smile can be as simple as implementing a strong oral hygiene routine and visiting your dentist for your bi-annual dental cleanings.
However, most patients desire a brighter smile with quick results. Below, we will discuss the most popular methods for helping eliminate enamel stains for a more confident you.
Professional-Grade Options:
In-Office Teeth Whitening- At an office, a dental professional can use stronger agents that quickly and effectively whiten teeth. You can see results within an hour, sometimes as drastic as ten shades lighter in a single session, depending on your particular level of tooth discoloration.
The gums and the surrounding structures are protected from the bleaching agent. Typically, only the front eight teeth are lightened, and your dentist may continue treatment by recommending a take-home product as part of a whitening program. Depending on how well you care for your smile, results could last for one or more years.
Take-Home Custom Whitening Trays- Unlike conventional dental trays, these fully-customed appliances are designed to fit your exact smile to help ensure uniform coverage of the whitening gel. Because this method is meant to be used without a dental professional's supervision, it contains a much milder whitening formula. The trays can be used once a day, worn for about 30 minutes during each session.
Toothpaste and Rinses- Certain toothpaste contains gentle polishing agents to remove surface stains when you brush. Mouthwash can contain hydrogen peroxide as a bleaching agent to whiten teeth. Using them daily will help to whiten teeth over time.
Whitening Strips- Tooth whitening strips may vary in price and method due to the level of brightness you desire. They are small, plastic strips designed to stick to the outer surfaces of your teeth. The side that clings to your enamel has a peroxide gel that helps gradually whiten teeth.
Natural Whitening Remedies:
Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide- An easily mixed paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda can help create a brighter smile when utilized as toothpaste two to three times a week. When the substance is combined with water, it releases free radicals that break down stain-causing molecules on tooth enamel.
Oil Pulling- Coconut oil is an ancient Indian remedy that has been used to whiten teeth naturally. The Lauric acid in coconut oil clears out the bacterial plaque that yellow teeth. It also helps keep breath fresh and protect against gingivitis. Push, pull, and swish the oil around your teeth for 10-15 minutes, then spit out the oil, and brush your teeth.
At The Center for Advanced Dental Care, Dr. Robert Kaplan and Dr. Nicole Ford enjoy providing tailored teeth whitening treatments for patients looking to brighten their smile conveniently. Contact our Newton Centre dental practice today for your initial consultation!